Where we are today, and why.
The pivotal elements glimpsed in the dozen articles below, chart how the US power structure became the New World Order. And it's this power structure that largely allocates resources and strategic response to the end of the conventional oil era that humanity now faces. (Whose epoch changing significance shouldn't be underestimated.)
JFK: The final chapter? Do we now finally know?
Martial law Confirmed by General Franks.
So too for this important insight on Reverend Martin Luther King.
End of conventional oil era means massive downsizing worldwide.
Pivotal history.
The global elite: then and now.
Norman Dodd: a Congressional investigator's look at the elite's philanpthropic foundations agenda.
Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization."
Carroll Quigley's "Tragedy & Hope". Excerpts from this famed insider's tome provides a general historical framework that numerous online authors wholly flesh out.
Council on Foreign Relations (day-to-day rulers of the world?) You'll see their hand throughout these articles as both author and facilitator.
The international elite's tentacles of power.
An honest exploration of what's going on must consider all points of view. Today's controlled content media monopoly is a significant issue that's clearly being hidden for obvious reasons.
1973 OPEC oil embargo against the US was engineered by the elite says academic, to flood US with Arab oil investment revenues and ultimately achieve the 3rd world debt crisis of the 80's -- which largely usurped debtor nation sovereignty through IMF imposed Structural Adjustment Programs -- the New World Order covert method of (debt bondage) colonialism. A must read.
Bankers, and debt bondage... a brilliant insight of the elite's historical effect on humanity. (They provoked France's revolution for example, then supported the rise of Napoleon to quell the rebellion -- unaware of the rampage of conquering that would result.)
WW2 a consequence of the tyranny of the Treaty of Versailles.
The US execution of Ethel & Julius Rosenberg. Their reply to a final offer to spare their lives in return for a confession: "Justice is not some bauble to be sold to the highest bidder. If we are executed, it will be the murder of innocent people and the shame will be upon the government of the United States. History will record, whether we live or not, that we were the victims of the most monstrous frame-up in the history of the country."
Words of wisdom from political insiders.
Gold conspiracy props up US dollar.
US global empire created by economic hit men says insider, military only a last resort.
US wars of aggression.
Revered academic reveals Zionism secrets?
Privatizing CIA black-ops.
Rare, Abraham Zapruder clip, of JFK recoiling from direction of "grassy knoll" shot, proves lie. (See Dealey plaza map.)
The most respected of all independent JFK assassination investigators names names.
The dawning of world-wide Big Brother omnipotence & the end of the "rule of law"?
The secret service and JFK.
JFK's autopsy photo proves "lone gunman" finding was a lie.
US political assassinations.
Testing "the bomb" in Canada?
Depleted Uranium weapons and the eventual extinction of the human genome? Studies done on veterans whose wives had normal babies before the Gulf war, reported two-thirds of post-war births (of those studied) had severe birth defects.
Major nuclear spill in Canada: Chalk River (north of Ottawa) 1952, millions of liters of radioactive cooling water dumped into Ottawa River.
Canada major contributor to US nuclear weapons program? In fact, the Manhattan Project was a secret agreement between the US, UK and Canada, signed in Quebec city 1943.
Nuclear weapon testing history; hundreds of atmospheric detonations. (No wonder 1/3 of people get cancer nowadays.)
Nuclear weapon use against Japan was political, and unnecessary to end the war.
Soviet entry into war the real reason for Japan's capitulation.
Truman guilty of war crimes for nuking Japan say US historians.
UK bureaucrats sold Israel the bomb without UK government knowledge.
The effect on Bikini people's lives because the US coveted their island paradise to test the nuclear bomb. (A must read.)
France's reckless test of nuclear bombs.
Islander compensation for bomb testing was admittedly inadequate. The US detonated the blast tonnage equivalent of 10,000 Hiroshima bombs in the atmosphere, 80% from the islands.
Health effects to troops experimentally placed in nuclear bomb test zones.
Canada's significant role in nuclear weapons development?
Human Rights vs Covert Intelligence.
Nixon's "Establishment" set out to overthrow the progressive forces.
Vietnam massacres were common say vets; 100's of Mi Lais occurred.
New World (dis)Order?
Globalization explained by (Nobel Laureate) insider.
The opponents of Zionism perspective.
National Geographic: millennium issue -- celebrating "the" events of the century. Centerfold photo is the Roswell crash alien.
Today's world;
UK Cabinet Minister spells out Bush 911 complicity.
Photos of Pentagon directly after 911 prove it wasn't hit by an airliner.
Former German Defense Minister's book implies CIA complicity in 911.
Former German Defense Minister says US government staged 911 to justify war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Israeli firm Odigo warned hours before 911 to evacuate WTC.
911 inquiry panel critic replaced by intelligence insider.
World Trade Center building #7 purposely "pulled" (demolished) says lessee Silverstine on live TV on 911.
Fire Engineers' Magazine refutes WTC collapse due to plane crash or fire.
Bush stopped the investigation of Khan, the purveyor of WMD.
Henry Kissinger.
Reckless agenda of Bush's Texas backers.
Citibank, JP Morgan & Enron, elite birds of a feather?
The CFR grand plan of US Imperialism decided the fall of Iraq.
The folly of US plans for militarizing space.
Space war in 20 yrs says Pentagon.
US Bio-weapon research revives the especially lethal Spanish Flu virus from extinction.
George Soros an establishment insider?
Bechtel's insiders & the Iraq war.
NATO guile and aggression in subduing the stubbornly socialist people of Yugoslavia?
Canada Pension plan funds war industry, including manufacture of landmines.
BUSH warmongers fear of International Criminal Court?
Israelis are even plotting to kill their president, Sharon; as raw expediency "hard ball" increasingly dominates their land.
Ethnic cleansing of Palestine is now the official policy of Israel.
Harvard paper says the powerful Israel lobby, AIPAC, controls the US Senate, not for US interests but for Israel's.
Zionism decried by Jews too.
Conflicting sects of Judaism.
Israeli leaders admit their disgraceful immoral practices all along.
Russia's traumatic market transition facilitated by Jewish elite.
Prominent Israeli says Zionism has failed its moral obligations.
Jewish Voice For Peace decry Zionist tactic
Perpetual genocide from depleted uranium ammo residue?
Tragedy of victims unknowingly exposed to DU poisoning.
UK soldiers kicked hooded & shackled prisoners to death.
The petro-dollar basis of US world hegemony.
The petro-dollar factor in the war against Iraq?
US resistance to International Court.
RCMP brutality in Vancouver "cleanup": fifty injured, two dead... media silent!
RCMP Quebec summit brutality
Premier of BC felled in coup. RCMP out of control?
Shocking history of RCMP lawlessness.
RCMP SS disbanded in disgrace for general "breakdown of the rule of law". But despicable raw expediency remains.
RCMP handling of Air India bombing demands public inquiry.
Canada's draconian Anti-terrorism Act.
RCMP SS reinstated under multi-acronyms.
Cop who shot Dudley George was killed within weeks before he was to testify, & is 3rd cop involved in the (revenge) shooting to die before presenting evidence to a public inquiry.
UK cops protest their culpability for shooting civilians to death.
Rockefeller (the ruling elite) links to Canadians.
Privacy Commissioner warns Canadians about loss of freedom.
Radwanski coup: public inquiry required!
Rachel Corrie, 23 yr old anti-war idealist, volunteered as a human shield & was killed.
David Kelly assassinated?
Six physicians say David Kelly's death definitely not suicide.
Senator Wellstone assassinated?
America's list of politically convenient airplane crashes.
Stalin poisoned to stop war, intern Jews?
Dawning world oil depletion.
N. America's looming natural gas crisis.
BBC reports world oil crisis.
Today's internet list moderators are primarily Big Brother censors..
RCMP coup now playing out against Martin Liberals, as it did against the Glen Clark government?
Russia's "Pravda" severely chastises US.
China complains about US domestic Human Rights abuse.
Author of FTA shocked at amendments being proposed.
Paul Martin plans continental integration.
Transformation of the PC Party.
Canada's shift to the right.
Canada's distribution of wealth.
US "code Red" means cancellation of constitution & marshal law.
Mother of all wars: Britain will become Siberian winter zone by2020 says Pentagon.
Libya innocent of Lockerbie?
The US bilization of Haiti.
Grotesque injustices being perpetrated by US executions.
Medical mistakes are a major cause of death in the US? (>100,000 yearly)
Damage from mercury-laced vaccines are the worst welfare disaster in history.
Our sun will literally become a huge diamond when it finally expires.
UN condemns Israel's wall: It grabs the best Palestinian land, and their crucial aquifers.
Powerful arguments dispute Nazi extermination camps... what is true?
Reagan shot by Scot Hinckley; his brother was to dine with Neil Bush that night.
Whistleblower testifies Bush was warned about plane attacks months before 911.
An insider look at the gallant bureaucratic opposition to Bush tactics, and the resulting lost careers willingly sacrificed.
Bush covered up one of the worst environmental disasters in history.
New World Order justice: CIA arrest suspects & rendition them to countries where they simply "disappear".
US veterans speak out against Bush agenda.
Everyday corruption in the Bush administration.
Enron, City Group, Morgan Chase; corruption at the pinnacle the of US elite.
Glimpse of rampant corruption by US opportunists supplying the military in Iraq.
With 5% of world's population the US has 25% of its prisoners.
Former LAPA nark publicly accuses US Vice President Cheney of engineering 911.
Pat Robert's warning of al Qaeda website proves his incompetence or complicity.
Islam innocent of 911? (FBI admits no evidence)
US plans lifetime detention camps for those arbitrarily designated "enemy combatants".
Prosecutors say military commissions to try detainees are rigged.
Bush won by electoral fraud frets Kerry's wife (the prestigious Heinz heiress).
West's education system was designed to keep the public under-educated and subservient: openly admitted by the men who created the system.
UK child rearing of problem kids doubled since Reagan's fear mongering crusade.
Punitive parenting tactics cause aggression in kids, & underachievement too says study.
Opportunistic big Pharma and US psychiatrists continue to drug healthy children in a make-work project.
Respected medical journal accuses drug industry of "disease mongering" --needlessly convincing people they need medical treatment.
Convincing facts about US gun ownership.
Project "Able Danger" is more proof the 911 Commission was simply a whitewash.
Canada's military integration with the US (including police & intelligence services) is a fait accompli as the BPG mandate ends.
Reaganomics designed to reduce consumption & value stocks over oil to keep its price low while in decline. (A must read)
CIA setup Libyan for Lockerbie conviction.
Massive transfer of power from middle class to the military as end of the oil era nears?
Radio Frequency weapons now in Iraq.
Imperialism, 911, rise of fascism, oil depletion... An incisive look at today's (little known) state of affairs by a reporter/cop.
More excerpts from Michael Ruppert's book "Crossing the Rubicon". A must read!
New NORAD agreement suggests complete integration of Canada into the operating systems of the US.
Pravda (former official voice of USSR) says US staged 911. Iran will be nuked by US as master plan to control mid-East oil.
Bush caught establishing media programming guidelines in support of his agenda (controlling the media).
FBI lists American Pacifist groups among terrorists: Indymedia group & Food Not Bombs (foodbank) are recent additions.
Ex-operatives consider the CIA the Mother of all TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS: John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official to ever go public. (a must read.)
John Perkins (ex economic hit man for the NSA) goes public: "The US Have Created the World's First Truly Global Criminal Empire" he says, through assassinations and bribery.
US laundering of a trillion dollars annually of dirty money worldwide has bankers' complete support.
Canadian Action Party policy on Canadian military action in Afghanistan.
Former justice Sandra Day O'Conner called on lawyers to help defend the judiciary against increasing right wing strong-arm tactics to control the US courts.
Award-winning journalists were fired or laid off to silence protest as the mainstream media content became controlled by elite.
Dawning technologies offer surreptitious microwave weapons to law enforcement against dissent in Canada.
The cop who shot Dudley George was killed by a transport truck within weeks before he was to testify, and is the third OPP officer involved in the shooting to die before presenting evidence to a public inquiry.
At the same time the New Westminster police were asked to review the RCMP shooting of Ian Bush, a 22 yr old fatally shot in the back of the head while in custody, the RCMP were investigating the fatal shooting of 16-year-old Kyle Tait by New Westminster police. Dozens of people have died in police custody in BC alone in the past few years..
Canada's former ambassador to Yugoslavia says the the charges against Milosevic were a fantasy & the tribunal judging him was really a political court designed to get NATO exonerated for their bloodshed in the region. Dirk Ryneveld was a prosecutor against Milosevic, and is now the BC Police Complaints Commissioner.
Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan dismissed after proposing UK terrorism allegations were fraudulent. He says Muslims are being systematically tortured into signing false confessions.
Former Shell Oil geologist, now professor emeritus at Princeton, says the looming economic crash from oil decline, in its mildest form, could begin with a global recession worse than the Great Depression, then spiral into war, famine, pestilence and unprecedented death.
For the 6th time in the past 7 years humanity will grow less food than it eats. World food stocks have shrunk by half since 1999. In effect, the world's poor will begin to starve as their grain ration goes towards bio fuels and for feeding livestock for the luxury meat market.
Little known Afghan History.
Canada's deceptive warmongering complicity.
NATO's massive covert infrastructure is beyond democratic regulation, & is implicated in false flag terrorism & serious crime.
Video of everyday life in Gaza under occupation, including mention of Rachel Corrie's valiant struggle to protect civilians from lawless, naked, military aggression.
In the vast majority of the 50 indicators used to measure social progress, high-tax Nordic countries proved superior to the low tax US model. Only in 7 indicators did the US model score marginally better, but were insignificant in the overall effect.
VIDEO: 'Swine flu virus began life in lab'.
WATCH: Justin Trudeau has Israel's back - Video
U.S. preparing for largest ever one-time release of prisoners.
Russian Air Force hits 50 ISIS targets in Syria over 3 days, significantly damaging militants.
Google Lunar X Prize team signs contract to send spacecraft to moon.
Current News: link to important news articles which are being under-reported or even avoided by mainstream news groups.
I regret that so many insightful and so far irreplaceable articles have mysteriously gone missing from this website, with no trace left, except in my memory, of their existence. (ie. profound medical studies on Depleted Uranium Ammo poisoning of Iraq for example, which equates to perpetual destruction in fact, of the Iraqi genome in the region from the residue... Since I've exceeded my webspace allowance (years ago) I've been unable to store valuable articles on site and have been forced to simply display their home url's. Not only do hackers redirect those links to dummy sites on occasion, but the information that's been lost generally has been significant. For example, the CBC removed articles stating that all three OPP cops responsible for the Dudley George (revenge) killing died in separate accidents before they could testify in a public inquiry.
How will the system ever be fixed with such a massive effort to cover it up?
I've spent tens of thousands of hours in political research this past decade, and found the insights I've gleaned aren't that well-known generally. So I've constructed this basic summary...
by David Piney
As humankind stands upon the threshold of the third millennium the dawning potential for amazing life quality has never been more apparent. This generation is glimpsing evolving technologies that can coax the bounty of the earth literally beyond belief.
In short, the ancient prophecy of humanity’s potential destiny to inherit the Promised Land of plenty, with unprecedented healthful longevity, seems more possible than ever.
Ironically, the greatest threat to life quality nowadays is mostly from the human predator. Not only from the war, crime, and exploitation that humanity suffers under this scourge, but from the vast undercurrents of intimidation, social repercussions, and daily tyrannies that inevitably touch everyone's lives.
Sadly, remnants of self-interest primacy that's inherent in the animal kingdom still reign the hearts and culture of many people today. Thus miring humanity's future promise with a baseness lingering from primeval and problematic roots.
And it's no wonder. Even though this culture is largely inherited as a hand-me-down from a primitive past it's unquestioningly accepted today as the norm --causal factors and all-- in direct defiance of psychologists' consensus view for solution. Glaring contradictions are obvious, such as a festering justice system where the only inspirational or educational public outreach is after-the-fact enforcement, and the most visible representatives of society's hallowed rule-of-law are unabashedly coercive and armed with guns and clubs and shoot-to-kill policies. Thus the militant ethos will inevitably be entrenched in the social fabric as a cultural norm.
But it's not that mysterious. After all, the Romans threw Christians to the lions for three centuries in order to prevent the rise of a culture committed to Christ's benevolence. Imperial Rome needed a sufficiently militant people to recruit its armies from, and to tolerate its predatory excesses, and thus all stops were pulled to prevent the teachings of Jesus from being adopted by their populous. And the trend subtly continues today!
The pulpit of Constantine chose to harness the power of Christianity for their own ends instead of fighting it. And thus called for the Council of Nicaea to define Christian orthodoxy so that it could be applied throughout the empire. Thereby disciple Paul's interpretation of "the way of Jesus" has largely been adopted. Thus Christ's singular primary emphasis to "do the works" (extolling the cause-and-effect sculpting results of moral expression on human personal development) was rewritten according to Paul's interpretation, based solely on faith, resurrection and the wholesale forgiveness of sins (apparently, regardless of any real-life repentance). This proved a tailor-made formula for an imperialist culture because their warriors fought evermore fearlessly believing in resurrection, while being purposely unbound from crucial Christian morals.
But it's contrary to Jesus' intent in my understanding, whose endeavour was to reveal the transformational effects of the bio-energies clearly seen to be favoured by the moral dimension of creation. They're available to all that "do the works" and thereby rise above the animal kingdom self-interest primacy. It's said that Jesus seemed to glow at times with the radiance of an aura. And anyone can see for themselves if it's true in their own development, as they endeavour to re-polarize life's detrimental bio-energies that selfish temptation evoke (lust, vengeance, arrogance...) into the opposite soulful expressions (adoration, compassion, humility...) that are selfless instead --as Jesus taught and exemplified. As people strive to increasingly control these emotions (and the resulting bio-energy generation that sculpts human transformation accordingly) the effects should become evermore evident, mind, body and soul. Thus revealing the development potential that individuals have in life when they "do the works" and rise above the amoral self-interest primacy of the animal kingdom. Thus Humankind may eventually prove worthy to enter the very heavens as our home, and thereby preserve the human species from the inevitable animal kingdom extinction that scientists now know will occur.
Yet the moral dimension of creation remains to be openly explored by society. For logically, the resulting rise of an intrinsic moral majority would oppose today's self-serving power structure (thus explaining the subtle but purposeful stunting of human moral development according to elite historical expediencies). You don't have to look far to see the cultural undermining today that inhibits the awakening of the human collective conscience, which would mean the end of the plutocracy and their subtly crafted culture of imperialism.
In fact, the more you review today's administrative culture the worse it looks. Especially in understanding current events from the perspective of a political insider, where behind-the-scenes strategies often play out more like the Mafioso than representatives of humanity.
No wonder the continued and purposeful crafting of the human predator by world leadership remains the most serious problem today.
Even though the only real solution to the curse of human predation --that humanity will ever have-- is to engender an intrinsic concern for the well-being of others in the human soul, the opposite seems to be strategically sown by the mainstream media.
In fact, the heightened consolidation of the mainstream media was integral to the rise of the neo-conservative agenda led by Reagan and Thatcher in the 80's. And even the staunch conservative Peter Worthington, founding editor of the Toronto Sun, bitterly complained about the unprecedented editorial control demanded by the neo-con media barons. It's the kind of control that's most worrying to democracy in fact, heralding today's void of meaningful investigative journalism in mainstream news reporting. And the US media is the same, where seven ideologically aligned directors personally control almost the entire media content with such unprecedented concert that it's simply become a rubber stamp for corporate self-interest propaganda and for Hollywood's warmongering social engineers.
On many levels the exact opposite of the exemplary leadership role required to eliminate human predation is pursued by administration itself under today's New World Order agenda. It's obvious for example in the police promotion of irrational fear-of-strangers protectionism, through TV campaigns such as Child Find, and the distorted public perception of crime that the media actively cultivates (Which the Law Commission of Canada has just confirmed in its
2006, State of Policing Report" where it says that policing has become a commodity for sale in the marketplace, and "public insecurity is purposely fed in order to expand market share...").But the family of humanity is being sabotaged by this alienating fear-mongering, and especially kids who should be taught an intrinsic concern for others and not homophobia --which inevitably can turn into general contempt for people, the precursor of a predator mindset.
Kids nowadays are openly encouraged to extend more trust and affection to dogs than to their fellow man (even though dog attacks account for 1/3 of all homeowner liability claims, occurring every minute on average in Canada and largely against children). Yet society's leadership response nowadays mindlessly exacerbates alienation and mistrust of one another, as contrary as it is to known psychology precepts (or a rational threat assessment) more than likely to appease an ulterior agenda of imperialist design.
After all, crimes against children, and especially by strangers, are by far the rarest of all crimes, and are so low in fact they're equated as hundreds of times less risk to kids than being struck by lightning. The incidence of conjoined twins in fact --considered a rare event indeed-- is over 25 times more prevalent per child capita in Canada than abduction by a person considered dangerous to the child (AMBER alert). Thus clearly, the fear of strangers issue in Canada is much more than just a tragic public misconception, because it's purposely being fed by those who know better. (Most likely a divide and conquer tactic --a well practiced covert maneuver of control used to undermine human fellowship in order to weaken and subdue its people, especially in times of war, and is a crucial subject that you'd be well advised to explore).
In fact, the famous statesman, Zbigniew Brzezinski, listed the historical "three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy" in his book, The Grand Chessboard: (1) to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals; (2) to keep tributaries pliant and protected; (3) and to keep the barbarians from coming together.
Elements of social engineering in Canada today still reflect those longstanding tactical strategies.
Thus it's sad to me that today's mothers have unquestioningly embraced these crumbs, bestowed from overlord social engineers, with the pittance of power consolidation that it provides motherhood (not realizing it seems, that it's these overlords' structural handiwork in fact that's made the mother of humanity a beggar in her own house). Yet these simple "divide and conquer" strategies are the primary tactical maneuver that's been used to subdue humanity by the power structure historically.
The essence of the solution of course is in humanity's open observation and shared understanding of the moral dimension of creation. And thus the inevitable adoption of its hallowed principles, which uniquely optimize human development and life quality through engendering an ever-rising standard of personal excellence.
But political reality has its own culture, where wealth and personal power is expected to optimize life quality instead --in spite of evidence to the contrary. Thus politically it's the vast resources of the moneyed that determine who crafts the everyday standards of society --where priorities such as protecting status quo and its hierarchical structure has primacy (the lifeblood of political existence).
Thus the elite are anxious to promote candidates for election in return for a direct say in the elected government. It's not that there aren't any worthy candidates for election, but the ones who rightly stand against systemic injustice and self-serving elitism will suffer pressure to back-off or they're denied funding and thereby relegated to voiceless obscurity (or worse). Chretien's Per-Vote Subsidy Program allowed smaller parties that are un-beholden to the elite to be heard during elections, and is integral to fair democratic process. But Harper quietly cancelled the program, with virtually no opposition offered from the mainstream media, which itself speaks volumes.
Harper has been long-known as the poster boy for the neo-con movement in Canada in fact. And his majority government was simply delivered by superior (limitless) funding, including an RCMP led coup against then Prime Minister Paul Martin (according to the former Prime Minister's book: "Hell or High Water: My Life in and out of Politics"). But it's the taxpayer that ends up paying for all this hanky-panky, because of the massive concessions that the Harper government inevitably provided the elite while in office.
With hand-me-down cultural mechanisms like these shaping today's society no wonder mindless opportunism has become so prevalent --and sadly, it's now being celebrated by those anointed with power by the Harper legacy.
Obviously the public must pull together to identify and correct these glaring vulnerabilities of democracy. A glimpse of nature's related examples offers perspective. Consider the mighty wildebeest for example, that's preyed upon by the relatively puny hyena. If hyenas are seen stalking the herd the mighty wildebeest scatter in all directions, thinking only of self-interest and personal escape. Thus the weak and vulnerable are easily picked-off for hyena lunch. But if the wildebeest stood together, shoulder-to-shoulder, to rightly defend and protect against undue incursion, no predator would dare attack. So too for humanity and true democracy.
And just think, with the simple power of true democracy there would be no more war or mindless human deprivation: ever again!
And it's encouraging to realize that the great wealth of human talent and skill doesn't reside within the conventional powers, such as government or the elite circles, but within the public itself. Thus it's no surprise that it was the public that solved the Kennedy assassinations, as well as 911, and even the Oklahoma City bombing as a prelude to 911, which you can see in full detail online (the youtube 911 truth movement for example). In fact, most of the state cover-up crimes and false flag assaults that I'm aware of have been solved solely by public effort. Thus this indispensable resource is the cornerstone of true democracy, to ensure fair governance for the benefit of all, rightly overseen by the collective conscience at every level.
But at the same time the public must be aware of what we're really up against. One of the most powerful messages of propaganda now targeting the naive is the glory of force-of-arms bringing "justice" to the world, and in dishing out retribution to the bad guys. Of course it's solely the elite prerogative to define who the bad guys are, the full details of which are rarely offered for public consumption. But this glorified bravado has proven to be more of a Pavlovian exercise it seems to me, for training a new crop of naive recruits to simply attack on command. The magnitude of propaganda that's wielded during wartime certainly validates the point. In fact, the infamous Nazi leader, Joseph Goebbels, attributed the Allies WW successes directly with the effectiveness of their propaganda campaigns to gain public support --and those campaigns are now known to be largely constructed of lies.
But such propaganda is a two edged sword. The public cost of permitting unchallenged warmongering propaganda strikes deep into the victor society as well. Jesus clearly taught that vengeance belonged to God and not to Man, and for good reason. Not only does this distinct bio-energy have a destructive transformational effect on those who try to wield its power (or who permit it to fester in their hearts) but it's a destabilizing cultural element as well. As a playground supervisor for a local public school, I seen violence almost daily on the playground. And usually it was kids wielding punishment upon each other. And when asked why they were violent they indignantly made no bones about it: it was because the other kid "deserved it" --they'd tattled, or called names, or some other slight of culture that these kids had been inadvertently raised to now enforce upon their peers (from suffering the wrath of parental punitive violence themselves no doubt). And yet as clear as the consequences have been to my entire generation, the cultural prevalence of inflicting punitive violence upon those that "deserve it" is still a practiced reality in North America today, and upon which imperialist forces are effectively (but blindly) animated.
As a result we now stand toe-to-toe against Gorbachev's Russia. And this time Russia has done no wrong to the world, despite the elites' insane lawless conniving and cruel warmongering provocations. It's clear to me that world war may result, or even be planned as a simpleton knee-jerk means for resetting pressing world issues, such as the liquidation of the entire Western gold supply these past few years from artificially buoying the US dollar through the Forex market. Nonetheless, the incomprehensible curse of Armageddon is the final divine option that's able to remedy the flawed power structure we've inherited, and thereby free humanity's moral evolution to once again follow its rightful course. (that is, if anyone survives.)
But it also appears that Mr Gorbachev's deeply principled effort to bring everlasting peace to humanity has won the heart of the highest of powers as well, for Russian technological advancement has been breathtaking ever since. And thus the current gathering together of humanity's majority population, now underway within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, is a very formidable alliance to stand against imperialist lawlessness. But how can the human species withstand the assault of such a world clash? As it is now, one in two Canadians get cancer, and the UN predicts the world cancer rate will rise 50% by 2020. Does that mean that every future Canadian will eventually get cancer? How can our species survive such an assault? ...let alone a nuclear war as well? Russia laments that it simply cannot defend itself against NATO aggression without the use of nuclear weapons. And the US has declared a pre-emptive nuclear strike option that weighs heavily in the minds of target nations, and which could force them to do things that they wouldn't otherwise do if a window of opportunity were to suddenly open.
Putin says he has nowhere left to retreat. Russia is now surrounded by NATO forces right to its borders, in direct violation of the promises made by the West to Mr Gorbachev.
The Fukushima disaster alone threatens the human species it seems to me. How can humanity survive the mindless militancy of the current power structure as well?
The West has certainly had it's day in the history books to prove it's worth on the world stage. John Perkins website reports the UN cost estimate for providing every human on earth with clean water, food, education and sanitation is half the US yearly cost of the war in Iraq. As well, billions of tons of reusable goods and materials from our generation alone have been buried in landfill or ground up for the smelters, instead of being offered as hand-me-downs to the world's desperately poor. Yet these travesties remain largely untold. The two billion poorest people on earth, that live on less than a dollar a day, could have been freed of destitute poverty by now with over a ton and a half of these reusable materials each (certainly a resource far more valuable than the largely grass, twigs and dirt they have to work with now). And in fact, no greater wealth has ever been made available to the third world than the hand-me-downs of the West, which have simply been discarded in landfills or ground into basic ore for the smelters instead.
And instead of those two billion souls wholly consumed by poverty, scratching out a bare subsistence, they could be helping search for solutions to humanity's pressing problems. But they need available hand-me-downs to get started. Thus they could link with humanity's data-base and add to our greatest of wealth: human knowledge and ingenuity. The crucial insight to unlock clean energy could be realized by someone among those two billion precious souls. It's not uncommon for laypeople to find simple solutions to otherwise complex problems. I cite the Avro Arrow wing/landing gear solution for example, given to the engineers by an ordinary worker that overheard their dilemma when passing by. He spontaneously piped up with a suggestion containing the fix they needed, then in the jubilant commotion he caused he quietly slipped away to finish his own (more mundane) work. And the commonness of valuable insight springing from unlikely places is even more apparent to me because my little 8 year old brother Donnie used to correct my errors when building things all the time. As well, my own theory glimpsing the origin of the universe may uncover a value in the layman’s sparse conventional view, which provides them an uncluttered perspective to possibly see beyond. But the fact of humanity simply ignoring such a valuable resource as two billion people's input, and the accomplishments that could thereby be made, succinctly defines the crisis of human management that we now suffer.
I'm no physicist. But from what they publish it seems logical that inherent opposites are a fundamental property of creation (Yin\Yang, hot\cold, light\dark, quark\anti-quark, etc.: the varying combinations of which define the vast nuances of life that we not only enjoy but crucially depend upon).
Thus the great void of nothingness that gave rise to the Big Bang (energy flare) may well have been comprised of the great void and the great anti-void instead (1++1-=0). And our universe (now known to be flat) is sandwiched along the interface of these equal but opposite voids, as if flotsam trapped between sea and sky.
And though they are presumably infinite, they are intrinsic opposites and thereby highly reactive if they're not equally balanced along their interface zone so that the opposing forces are contained. We know that quarks and anti-quarks are highly reactive, and when brought together will annihilate each other in a raw energy flare as an inherent reactive property. So too perhaps the great voids that spawned the quark\anti-quark particles (creation's fundamental building blocks) are similarly reactive, also as an inherent property.
Thus perhaps an anomaly in the interface of the great voids disturbed the force balance (causing a protuberance or ripple incursion by the anti-void segment into the void segment). And thereby an annihilation event resulted, consuming most of the anti-void generated plasma by the larger surrounding void generated plasma (now called the Big Bang). The resulting unequal force of which drove the intermingled plasma and the anomaly itself back into the interface zone, effectively snuffing the annihilation event from continuing. This intermingled particulate matter continues to disperse in all directions along the interface plane driven by the opposing voids forces, as the great voids themselves retreat under the advance of the particulate matter, which we now call the universe expansion phase, in a process that will eventually heal the rift and re-balance the interface zone.
I wouldn't call it a Big Bang though because of the absence of a sound transfer medium (except within the plasma itself, which was presumably expanding at the speed of light). And in my understanding, rightfully equipped sentience is a requisite for sound to even exist. But most people would love to know that it was a Bang event in fact, and thereby there's evidence of universal sentience at that moment able to hear the creation of our universe.
I first published this void \ anti-void theory 15 years ago on my website in the archive section Principles document, and offered it to anyone who would listen over the years. But it obviously hasn't been adopted by mainstream because they continue to openly ponder how the Big Bang could have happened? ...and why there is so much dark matter (otherwise, the unknown driving forces) ...and why the universe expansion is accelerating? ... which may all be related to the effect of the great void / anti-void opposing forces that sandwich our universe (the concentrated matter of their energy discharge that separates and repels the voids presence in the interface zone)which thereby drives the Big Bang dispersal phase (expansion) in an effect meant to intermingle, pair, and thereby re-balance its matter \ anti-matter particulate flare residue in a process to re-balance the annihilation event energy release and thereby eventually re-inhabit the interface zone with the great void segments. And thus the ever-increasing black hole containment phase provides a particulate energy accretion mop-up function to re-absorb the now paired and neutralized rift energy residue and thereby to eventually restore force homogeneity. And when completed our universe will once again become a great vast nothingness, as will all the universes that may exist throughout the incomprehensible infinity of creation, which we are so blessed to ponder/witness in our everyday pursuit to try to understand this blessed miracle called life.
Thus if the singular aspect leading to the creation of our universe was its inherent reactiveness, that aspect should be considered as well when theorizing energy generation generally. Thus delving into the biological fabrication of a human food molecule for example, (glimpsing a ATP molecule at a quark level, is likely similar to looking at stars in a clear night sky and) may reveal a mechanical structure designed to functionally harvest the inherent reactive phenomenon of the quark / anti-quark interaction. Thus perhaps the APT positioning of a quark / anti-quark pair trapped within a facilitating structure is meant to exploit other known forces (pendulum ricochet for example) in bringing the trapped pair together to mechanically weep away energy as needed instead of wholly causing an annihilation event. Hence the inherent reactive property of the great voids that spawned our universe inherently provide an on-demand flow of needed energy as required through their particulate matter, including for biological function as well.
On the same micro-galactic note of viewing quarks as if viewing stars in a clear night sky, it's shocking to me that our reality is thereby shown to be a construct of our brain. For it therefore appears that we exist solely as a galaxy of these star-like packets of pure energy, situated in the deep voids of empty space, apparently surrounded by nothing more than vast galaxies of these star-like packets of pure energy. And that's the basic reality of creation.
And thus our eyes are not windows unto the world per se, but are opaque radiation sensors that stimulate our brain according to only the light portion of the emf spectrum sensed. Thus it's solely our brain that creates the world that we perceive and dearly love. Some creatures do sense parts of the infrared and ultraviolet portions of the emf spectrum though, and of course have a far different reality as a result. A documentary program decades ago provided a glimpse of their world, and it was akin to the Lake of Fire revealed in Matthew and Revelations. Their visual background was infrared, depicted as an undulating mass of raw energy, and was then spiked with ultraviolet shadows of everyday life moving throughout. And the profound part is that their vision is much closer to the true reality of creation than is the human limited version. For our universe, and everything that's in it, is nothing more than pure raw energy (and its concomitant forces, including a clearly observable moral dimension).
Thus you can't help but wonder if it's the illusion of life that's really sacred, and it's the reality of life that's the Lake of Fire. Thus the innocent really do live in a better place (if they're blessed with requisite freedom from typical overlord oppression).
In my lifetime alone it's become far more plausible to see the validity of the revelations of life that Jesus uniquely proposed. We can now reverse the ageing process in mice for example, and we know that eternal life is possible because a test tube cancer cell never dies if placed in a nurturing environment. Thus perhaps Jesus' proclamation that 'you will say to this mountain remove yourself and it will obey' is an accurate statement of the full breadth of power awaiting those that inherently 'do the works'?
I've recently been complimented on this energy flare theory by a covert (the largely plain-clothes military and Judas Iscariot opportunists who've invaded and wholly occupy my once precious life, and who've tried to control and to sabotage my efforts ever since I became politically active in the mid 80's.) I assume they've recorded my discussing these theories over the years, because they often tease me about trying to market some of my latest projects for their own personal gain because destitute poverty makes commercial development impossible for me. So I think they may have found some mainstream support for portions of the energy flare (Big Bang) theory cited above.
But the point is, I'm just a nobody like most of the 7 billion of us. Yet apparently I can have meaningful insight too, just like the other 7 billion can. But in my case it may have borne fruit because I sacrificed a steady income for the time needed to study. This precious time was made possible for me because of Canada's Just Society welfare system, and fortunately I never married. But possibly it was the self-interest primacy of the coverts that took aspects of my effort to market for their personal gain that resulted in due consideration from mainstream. But most people's musings about such events are simply forgotten or abandoned by them in the rush of everyday living schedules. Rarely are layman ideas even considered by mainstream, and rarer still is rightful credit given to lowly origin. Sadly, it takes "extraordinary circumstances" in our era to bring the ingenuity of ordinary people to serve humanity.
The point is that humanity simply can't afford to waste its precious human resource. Especially when it's only knowledge and rightful understanding of collective conscience values that stands in the way of human access to the Promised Land of plenty. Perhaps when society finally realizes the precious value of our human resource the resulting moral evolution will lead people to care for each other better, which in turn will eventually certify humanity's soul as sufficiently responsible. And thereby we can rise above self-serving politics to begin to fully harvest human ingenuity, and thereby unlock unlimited clean energy access: the holy grail of full automation and thus the instant end of poverty forever.
But even though the peoples of imperialist nations have been generally well provisioned, they've clearly shown that true life quality is more than just fulfilling human material needs. Especially considering that the management structure demands compensation in response to said provisioning. Elitism requires a reliable domestic supply of troops and infrastructure to protect the privileged from egalitarianism. As well, to impose tin-pot dictatorships upon third-world possessions in order to keep strategic commodities flowing cheaply. And thus the West needlessly suffers under this system too. The dog-eat-dog, boom-bust nature of American capitalism may be eloquently defended by today's mainstream media, but it's clearly more of a problem nowadays than a solution, and the reality is kept well hidden from the general public.
The success of the elite's power structure is certainly revealed in the "sacred" autonomy of today's central banking structures for example, such as the US Federal Reserve system, composed of profit making corporations whose founders and promoters comprise the world's wealthiest families. After all, the CIA was basically their construct, which grew to replace these financiers' personal intelligence services, and who continue engineering the ruthless exploitation of vulnerable nations worldwide, while their elite masters personally collect on the perpetual national debts and resulting servitude of entire peoples.
But such mindless self-interest is at the expense of humanity, and stunts the capacity to harvest the full potential of mankind. Obviously when governments --because of imperialist captive markets and resulting crippling debts-- can't afford to provide the basics for a healthy, knowledgeable people, or thus to fully harvest their prolific ingenuity, we are all deprived of our greatest resource.
All the while, these world financiers engineer the massive contractions and liquidations that are regularly prescribed in the West to maintain their brand of "hardened money" monetarism. The devastating cost to millions of North Americans who've been bankrupt in the process is incalculable. The 1980's loss of hundreds of thousands of homes and family farms, many held for generations, is a prime example, as the money supply was ruthlessly contracted in order to "harden" its value for the explicit benefit of the elite.
And you must admit, the specter of homelessness that's once again wielded in Canada certainly is the hallmark of capitalist free market expediency. There's nothing like engineering a few hundred thousand unemployed and homeless souls yearly to inspire workers generally to buckle down and accept their yoke. And the primary author is government economic policy that explicitly prevents full employment because it's deemed inflationary (which should be criminal when welfare protection is inadequate or is coercively wielded against the disadvantaged --who are disproportionately passed over for employment and tragically suffer homelessness as a direct result).
Yet the natural evolution to a more equitable economic model is vigorously opposed by status quo at every turn, while the public is strictly kept in the dark of the reality or the potentials that exist. Even Chretien, as Prime Minister of Canada, was unable to achieve his beloved goal of providing guaranteed income for Canadians over the objections of the elite.
Economists have long known that as production increasingly automates, the state must increasingly own the machinery of production, in order to keep it running at full capacity. Else the loss of worker jobs, wages and thus consumer purchasing power through automation, would bring a capitalist system to a halt. Therefore a fully automated society can only function under a system of benevolent ownership, where guaranteed income assures consumer demand and provides contented life quality. Otherwise lay-offs, recessions and homelessness become evermore endemic, while industry idles along at only a fraction of its capacity from a lack of consumer purchasing power.
But instead of embracing the evolution to full automation and guaranteed income, the elite have waged a ruthless war against it, because it also means an eventual decline of their own power structure of privilege and wealth as the expanding role of a benevolent state increasingly makes theirs' redundant.
Fortunately these traumatic social consequences have been minimized in Canada because of the emergency welfare program of Pierre Trudeau's Just Society. Though it costs a mere 2% of the GDP, it provides comprehensive protection of life quality to all Canadians. (By rightly defending the vulnerable generally, the blow-back to society that's inevitable from provoking a desperate struggle for survival is avoided.) If an employer, or spouse, or parent becomes too abusive for example, Canadians can simply --and peaceably-- move on, because their daily bread and life necessities are rightfully assured. The horrors that young and old alike have suffered historically during trying times have often resulted in life changing crimes of desperation, such as prostitution and other mindless acts of despair, that are too easily resolved through simple welfare assistance to ever let happen again. Though it's only a basic subsistence provision, it's the most comprehensive of inequity busters, and thus the wisest of investments (in a world that must realize the root solution to social problems is an intrinsic personal understanding of the development potential that humans are capable according to the transformational effect of the moral dimension of creation: mind, body and soul. And thus the measure of day-to-day public research, objective observation, and thereby inspirational publishing that a just and exemplary society must provide).
The Harper government on the other hand, has implemented unprecedented control against public knowledge of public affairs. Even government scientists are not allowed to freely communicate with the public through the media. Harper had the radiation sensors shut down on the BC coast after the Fukushima meltdown for example, when the filters began picking up 5 to 10 hot particles in every 12 cubic meters of air (adult daily air consumption). No warnings were issued to residents to avoid breathing these serious radionuclides, --Strontium and Plutonium-- any particle of which can cause cancer. The American's kept their sensors running though, and published the results. So we know where Fukushima radiation washed out during rainstorms across the states, sometimes more than 100 times greater than safe drinking water levels permit. But Canada's sensors were simply shut down under Harper. Apparently Harper's primary concern is political, and how to keep New World Order shenanigans secret. The public are simply left to fend for themselves in face of it all. No wonder the Doomsday clock was recently advanced to 3minutes to midnight on Harper's watch.
And under Harper, Canada is complicit in trying to isolate Gorbachev's Russia from the world community, and is in clear violation of the sincere promises the West made to Mr Gorbachev when he nobly reunited Germany in a good faith gesture to humanity.
I'm sure parents get a sense of Mr Gorbachev's plight in all this. Most parents try to do their part to make it a better world as well. They struggle with mere words for example, to try to convince their kids of the powerful transformational effects of particular attitudes and behaviours. But parents' mere words are often at odds with higher powers, such as Hollywood social engineering blockbusters, often glorifying militancy, or the desirability of personal opulence and blind pursuit of pleasure. Yet despite the vast power of today's propaganda machinery, parents are rarely supported in their effort to inspire personal excellence in children. In fact, the only significant moral outreach that I'm aware of by government historically has been in preparation for war, in order to fill the ranks with fresh-faced (naive) recruits. Thus my heart goes out to Mr Gorbachev for all that he's done to be a responsible and decent human being. He's been a great neighbour to humanity, and in my eyes is the greatest peacemaker that ever lived.
But the New World Order on the other hand, seeks high and low to get its dirty work done, no matter what the cost to others. Thus over time they've consolidated a class of people that are all-too-willing to undermine hard-won constitutional principles and Christian common decency in favour of foolish short-term self-interest opportunities. And thus elitist capitalism and Big Brother militarism continues to thrive. The question is, will it take Armageddon to free the moral evolution of humanity to its rightful track? Or will true democracy finally rise to the occasion and do its job? I vote for the latter, and hope you do too.
Since the US economic model is becoming the dominant system in the world today, a close look at it's structure is invaluable in understanding our own changing circumstance. According to a study commissioned by the US Federal Reserve in 1985, the top 10% of American families own 84% of the nation's financial assets (over 25% of world assets) and their middle management tier comprising 35% of the population (the middle class, intended to loyally prop up the elite agenda) hold 14% of US wealth.
Sadly, the other half of Americans, the workers, who share the remaining 2% of US wealth, aren't politically involved and generally don't even vote. In fact, it's overwhelmingly the more affluent who are dedicated to the process, and who consider political donations a necessity of life. Thus, the primacy of protecting vested interests largely explains the driving ideology of American "individualism" (self-interest) over that of securing the well-being of the collective. As a result, eighty percent of unemployed males in the US aren't eligible for any kind of welfare assistance, even in emergency situations. But the trickle down consequence of engendering a struggle to survive ethos can seriously undermine people's belief in each other. The astronomical crime rate of the US system certainly validates the point, which is 8 times higher per capita than Canada --peaking 30 times higher in some cities.
And women and children in the US fare no better. Among all industrial nations they have the highest rates of poverty, and rate 54th among nations when it comes to healthcare access (a crucial human resource that in real terms requires relatively minimal economic outlay --largely educational and managerial). As a result, the US mortality rate for kids under 5 years old is on par with third world nations... and on it goes!
Thus we must actively oppose the elite's current drive to impose US governance over Canada by stealth (with their rapidly unfolding plan for "deep integration of North America", and the harmonization of regulations and practices according to the US model). Even Canada's border defence for example, is now subordinated to NorthCom oversight --a division of the US military. Accordingly, Canada has accepted the right of the US to deploy troops on Canadian soil (ostensibly to help quell public unrest from planned consumption downsizing --austerity). Much of the horrific and massive covert incursions I've personally suffered these past 30 years have been perpetrated by plain-clothes military, including American. So if Canadians continue to neglect their democratic duties they'd better prepare for the end of the rule of law and human rights here too, as unbound military powers exert increasing control over our everyday lives by stealth.
No doubt, the more light that's shone in the darkened corners of today's political and cultural reality, the more understandable the horrors of unfolding events become. And the worst yet may be dawning upon humanity.
Revelations that conventional oil extraction has generally peaked and is in decline in most of the world's basins certainly explains much about today's dramatically changing events. It clearly explains the past decades of irrational American foreign policies, from the plain "bad advice" consistently touted by the IMF's economic programs in the 80's --which appear to have been crafted simply to reduce third-world consumption levels-- right through to the US commandeering of Iraq's oil fields and the needless slaughtering of its people.
In spite of the media slick PR spin and government silent complicity, today's governing tactic is founded on a raw expediency model that's closer to being gangsterism than being exemplary, and closer to being fascist than democratic. And frankly there's not even a real shortage of energy to justify it all.
After all, the fundamental building block of creation is a packet of pure raw energy called the fermion. Everything in creation is made of this energy. Therefore the real shortage is one of human knowledge, and how to harvest the abundance of divinely clean energy, so that humanity is finally able to express its full development potential.
Harvesting requisite clean energy could solve most crises humanity now faces, including pollution for example. As well, hunger, poverty, and even the looming water crisis would instantly disappear through full automation. (Since the planet surface is 2/3 water, the real shortage is that of readily available clean energy, in order to desalinate and pump whatever we need. Thus the vast world deserts would bloom again, with abundant food crops and fully automated systems.) Combined with the near limitless bounty from asteroid mining, the future of humanity is assured abundance if the keys to energy can be found. And on it goes...
But the massive and cruel downsizing that the New World Order has formulated in response to these problems is based upon a cheapness-of-life third-world economic model, which is counter-indicated in my mind, especially because it further erodes universal moral principles and a more thorough harvesting of our human ingenuity potential.
After all, if the real shortage is simply one of knowledge, then a far different tact is required to harvest the full potential of humanity to solve these problems. For if morality is linked to universal insight, as our greatest minds believe, it seems fitting that the power of the fermion would be bound with fail-safe moral checks and balances by nature itself, in order to insure at very least a proper stewardship of those allowed to harness this tremendous force. (A force that if abused could conceivably annihilate creation itself.)
As well, in my eyes there's evidence that the particulate matter of our universe is also sentient. And thus the preciousness of selfless sacrifice extolled in all Christian principles (and exemplified by Jesus as ultimately divine) may be a fact of everyday reality in creation generally, where fermions give up their very existence in order to provide energy that preserves our life. Thus it seems evermore evident that principled human management should be considered a key to unlock humanity's future, and not an administrative liability as the New World Order raw expediency agenda implies.
Thus there's been a visible political movement away from principles of constitutional law and Christian common decency since the rise of the neo-cons in the 80's. Instead they're re-empowering the raw expediency of predator man, now chosen by the elite to control humanity in a police state system. And it's because it's proven advantageous for them historically in achieving their self-serving agenda. Thus Realpolitik dirty-tricks are now openly celebrated in the corridors of power, and are increasingly practised by New World Order management in everyday affairs. After all, the earth is primarily home to the animal kingdom, and at first glance raw expediency seems to advantage self-preservation, its singular ethic.
But this simplistic ethos has consequences not readily apparent. There is clearly observable evidence of the moral dimension of creation, and it clearly affects personal and sociological development accordingly. And to me that means creation has sentience. For on what other basis is a universal moral dimension to be concluded? So maybe pulling-out-all-the-stops to simply get your own way in life isn't the right choice after all? Maybe having lots of shiny new things doesn't define the glory of a truly rich life? Maybe humanity does have to prove worthy, especially in order to harvest the limitless bounty of clean energy that awaits human enlightenment? In fact, humanity's rise from the animal kingdom self-serving ethos may be the key to the continued existence of the human species. It's well-known that during this latter stage of our sun's existence, a typical star, it will increasingly expand in size as it consumes its fuel (and thus containment gravity) until it becomes a red giant, eventually engulfing the earth. Thus the animal kingdom is destined for extinction, as is all life on earth. And unless humanity moves off this planet and into the heavens, our species too will become extinct. The only perceivable barrier we face, right now, in moving off the planet and into the heavens is a sufficient clean energy supply. Thus human understanding would not only provide unlimited clean energy, and an immediate end to poverty, but the continued existence of our species.
Yet today's power structure instantly reverted to its most basic animal self at the first glimpse of the end of conventional oil, which is considered a threat to its hegemony. Their knee-jerk response was to kill millions of innocent civilians in Iraq (mostly children & women) in a brutal grab to seize its resources --a temporary reprieve at best. No wonder Man has been given a billion years to evolve before life on earth becomes extinct. Even with our unique moral sentience among the animal kingdom it seems we'll need the full time allotted to develop requisite moral reliability if we're ever to gain entry into the heavens. If ever!
If we allow this New World Order agenda to increasingly dominate, its norms will inevitably trickle-down to become humanity's everyday reality. Thus the rule of law will become subordinated to an administrative self-serving expediency better known as fascism. And ol' boy vigilantism will rule the land, without the impediment of checks and balances against their inevitable and whimsical injustices. These realities have already begun in the West --which I've witnessed with considerable first-hand experience-- and will continue to progress unless democracy itself gains both oversight and regulation of the elite's evolving agenda to empower predator man over humanity.
Certainly many individuals have sacrificed their careers --and even their very lives-- in mitigating the raw expediency of the New World Order. The American people have a long and distinguished history in their historic struggle to right social wrongs. And the US underground press keep the public well informed if they choose to know. Yet the injustices of elitism and an out-of-control military are devastating America, as the founding fathers clearly warned.
The pruning of outraged journalists in Canada during the mainstream media consolidation imposed in the 80's has led to independent journalism here too. And thereby the Canadian public effort for political and social reform is becoming known, such as George Radwanski's effort for example. This former editor-in-chief of the Toronto Star valiantly fought the rise of a police state in Canada in his official role as the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. He warned the public, in the strongest of terms, about the pending loss of freedom in his official 2001 year-end report. And yet even he in an official capacity was felled in a coup by ol'-boy-loyal opponents, with such a flimsy pretence in fact that it violated even the most basic of common sense. (Not unlike JFK's magic bullet in fact.)
Yet even with such blatant political implications, the Radwanski coup perpetrators remain unchallenged by the public to this day, because they're well shrouded in the cloak of the elite's media monopoly. And to be sure he was fully neutered, George Radwanski was slapped with a gag order as well, to ensure the public remain unaware of what's really going on in the neo con world of lawless state gangsterism.
And it's clearly systemic. The Complaints Commissioner herself admitted the RCMP is "beyond regulation now" (out-of-control). According to Liberal MP, Borys Wrzesnewskyj, RCMP management created a "culture of corruption", which the Special Government Investigator, David Brown, called "horribly broken" in his scathing 2007 report. But what do they expect when Canada's version of homeland security legislation was Bill C-24, an "Act to Amend the Criminal Code" that gives cops the right to break the law at their discretion. The trickle-down effect of bureaucratic lawlessness is yet to be fully felt in Canada as a result of this unforgivable blunder.
Thus the Just Society principles of systemic fairness that was wholly enshrined in Canada's constitutional Charter of Rights can be simply eliminated from any individual now (in real-life terms) solely on the basis of police whim. The fact that so many people have died in police custody in BC alone in the last few years (where I lived) is a poignant insight of where it's taking us. And there is a massive utilization of covert vigilantes (informants) now empowered throughout Canada, according to the US model, in an unprecedented transfer of power from the rule of law and constitutional principle, to the whimsical street justice of ol'' boy loyal Big Brother and its legions of plain-clothes militia and Judas Iscariot wannabes.
Even Canada's RCMP SS, who were disbanded in disgrace for lawlessness reminiscent of their CIA counterparts, have gained fame for their tactics, which are now openly adopted in order to best defend the interests of the elite. Glen Clark, the former NDP Premier of BC, will certainly testify to the fact, after being felled as Premier by an RCMP led coup. And apparently Harper was personally welcomed to parliament by the RCMP coup perpetrators that felled former Prime Minister Paul Martin, which resulted in Harper's majority government.
And yet, with all this political intrigue in Canada, statistics clearly show that the vast majority of the population are benign. In fact, Ramsey Clark, the former Attorney General of the US, says that "80% of the population couldn't commit a heinous act against another human". His conclusions are based on a lifetime of experience in the field, and thus upon valuable little-known insights: such as the fact that the majority of US draftees in Vietnam refused to engage the enemy for example, (i.e. they'd purposely fire over the NVA heads) even at great risk to themselves.
Thus it would appear that the social calamity humanity suffers is caused by those 20% of the population who become human predators --whether in uniform or not. And I believe it's firmly rooted in the historic practice of determining societal norms according to the vested interests of dominant groups, all the while the crucial need for understanding the predictable moral developmental effects of life itself remain foolishly ignored.
It's clear to me that the solution to humanity's grotesque deprivation and social injustice throughout the world today is to develop an administrative mechanism that ensures requisite moral principle in the management of human affairs.
Therefore, please consider:
If humanity was made in the image of God, then the collective human conscience is divine. And thus could provide a readily accessible phenomenon able to best oversee the moral direction of administrators. As well, it's clearly in the public interest to keep governance fair.
Most people who study democracy realize that no individual representative is absolutely dependable: human foibles and frailties are just too significant, and the political pressures that can be brought against mere individuals, no matter who they are, are just too profound.
On the other hand, psychologists have long known that the collective itself is inherently predictable, and in my understanding is singularly equipped to withstand the kind of pressures that the elite can wield. And this most formidable resource stands idly by, simply awaiting to help out when possible.
Thus I see the collective conscience phenomenon as a uniquely reliable basis from which to craft fail-safe mechanisms to guide the general direction and operating values of government, and to best provide an oversight and feedback function at every level to ensure effective, principled management.
Of course the concept needs proving, and practical models such as the contractual mandate system that are now being crafted into a new political party show promise. The ultimate success though will be found in the design of the regulations in order to effectively harness these phenomenon, and thus to guarantee exemplary governance and real-life inspirational insight to all humanity.
There is real hope in my mind that this crucial mechanism can be developed.
Of course these are complex issues, requiring a full and open public exploration of all aspects, including the historic and cultural hand-me-downs responsible for these ageless problems. But be assured, the innovative capacity of conscientious people gathered together in common cause for the well-being of humanity is the most capable force on this planet. And at this crucial time in human history no less effort will suffice.
In the meantime, encouraging people to diversify their daily information and media sources is crucial, in order to see beyond the vested interests presented by the elite's power structure and its media monopoly. Thus exploring all sides of issues, by subscribing to independent investigative news and research sources too, will help empower a more practical movement for true democracy with understanding and resolve.
I personally believe these are the first crucial steps for desperately needed reform.
I hope you agree too, because together we have a chance.
I'll look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely, David Piney
Religion, Politics, Sex ... must be discussed if we are to solve the cultural basis of human predation.
Some of my personal effort:
Surreptitious attacks against dissent in Canada.
Devastating weapons secretly used against Canadians.
Crime Prevention Ottawa: ol' boy covert infrastructure recruitment?
The Automated Window Enclosure system, and international patents.
HAARP project gives microwave weapons continental reach.
A tribute to Rachel Corrie, a 23 year old American peace activist who tried to shield a Palestinian home from destruction by an Israeli bulldozer: she was run over and killed. She stood as a human barrier to that machine, fully trusting the driver with her life. The last words she wrote to her parents were, "we are learning from global examples how to resist". God bless your precious heart Rachel!
Donations to the police reform project are vital. Please deposit to Royal Bank account of David Piney #03622-003-5027131, online or at any branch. Receipts upon request. david.
Or click here to send an encrypted message.
Copyright © 2001 David D. Piney, All Rights Reserved.