Important news that's being underreported or avoided by mainstream media!
Just when you think the Depleted Uranium scandal couldn't get any worse? This author says bllions of people in surrounding high population zones will suffer cancers and sterility from the NATO Mideast wars. Every time NATO used these weapons a toxic radioactive cloud wafted into the skies, which were tracked by a UK radiation monitoring centre. It was estimated that in UK alone the fallout exposure was sufficient to cause mass sterility. As well, there's (vague) evidence he says that the jet stream was manipulated to direct radioactive clouds toward India and other high population zones. Every service person that the UMRC research team tested at Nangarhar proved positive for radiation 100 to 400 times normal. The research team said that every bombsite they visited the civilian populations were ill:"These people presented symptoms consistent with internal contamination by uranium".
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