March 1990 |
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Poisoned Pacific:
bengt danielsson |
After 159 test blasts, fragile coral reefs lie shattered, along with Polynesian hopes for independence. The Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior incident is only one example of how the French keep a tight rein on information about the tests and how they may be devastating ocean life and the health of the islanders. |
France hosted a summit
meeting of the seven wealthiest nations on earth last
summer during the celebration of the bicentenary of the
French revolution. The French delegation introduced a
new subject to the economic summit--the global threat to
the environment posed by industrial pollution, nuclear
waste, and the greenhouse effect. But President François
Mitterrand and Prime Minister Michel Rocard said nothing
about the radioactive poisoning of the islands and
islanders in French Polynesia resulting from French
nuclear tests. Since 1966, France has conducted 44
nuclear tests in the atmosphere and 115 underground
tests on two tiny South Pacific atolls, Moruroa and
Fangataufa. [See map, page 28.] During the pomp and ceremony, Mitterrand and Rocard also boasted that the French revolution was the historical event that had lit the torch of freedom. But they failed to mention France's stubborn refusal to grant independence to the native peoples in France's South Pacific colonies, New Caledonia and French Polynesia. The irony of it all is that the godfather of the French nuclear enterprise, Gen. Charles de Gaulle, became a hero to the Polynesians during World War II by promising to give all the French colonies freedom as soon as the war was over. But in 1958, when he returned to power in France--with dictatorial powers in order to solve the "Algerian problem"--his nuclear ambitions took precedence. At first, de Gaulle chose the Sahara for a
nuclear test center, but when Algeria won independence
in 1962, that site had to be abandoned. Shopping around
for a new location, de Gaulle followed the earlier
American example and ordered his bomb technicians to
pursue their tests in the Pacific, where France still
had several colonies. The ideal place seemed to be the
tiny atoll of Moruroa in French Polynesia. When the 30
elected members of the local parliament, the Territorial
Assembly, objected, they were simply told by the French
governor that since they lived in a colony, all
questions relating to defense matters were outside their
competence. After three years of feverish preparations, on July
2, 1966, the French tried out their new atomic test site
at the Moruroa atoll. The first bomb, a plutonium
fission device, was placed on a barge anchored in the
lagoon. When it was detonated, all the water in the
shallow lagoon basin was sucked up into the air, and
then rained down. The islets on the encircling reef were
all covered with heaps of irradiated fish and clams,
whose slowly rotting flesh continued to stink for
weeks.1 The only portion of Moruroa available for underground
testing was a 23-kilometer strip of the southern half of
the reef ring, since the rest of the island was covered
with laboratories, warehouses, airstrips, and living
quarters. Over the next five years, according to
official statements, 46 shafts were drilled, 8001,200
meters deep, depending on the size of the bomb to be
tested. In other words, bomb blasts were spaced at
500-meter intervals along the available strip. Official
documents reveal that the majority of the explosions
hollowed out combustion chambers more than 100 meters in
diameter and produced cracks 300-400 meters long,
extending in all directions. [See map, page 24.] In
addition, accidents ripped gaping holes in the flank of
the atoll. The volume of material torn out by the
biggest of these accidents, which occurred on July 25,
1979, was estimated at one million cubic meters by the
French commissioner for natural disasters, volcano
expert Haroun Tazieff, who visited Moruroa in 1982.3 The
full extent of the leakage of radionuclides into the
ocean is unknown, mainly because technicians have been
unwilling and unable to undertake studies at the depths
where the explosions take place. When civilian and military authorities decided to
keep testing at Moruroa, they did not take into account
an additional risk that many critics mentioned at an
early stage: the possible exposure of the atoll to
severe storms. Up to 1980, typhoons were extremely rare
in French Polynesia; the last one had occurred in 1906.
French army engineers therefore completely disregarded
the risk when they selected Moruroa in 1962, although
like most atolls, Moruroa is only a few meters above sea
level. However, before 1980 was out, a typhoon hit the
island. The only reaction in Paris was to order the
construction of huge refuge platforms for the 3,000 men
and 12 women employed and living at Moruroa. When the Territorial Assembly at an early date
expressed concern about possible accidents and the
effects high-yield blasts might have on the health of
the islanders, the CEP high command told the assemblymen
that inspectors would circulate among the islands, check
radiation levels, and ban any food items that presented
the slightest health hazard. No inspectors have ever
been spotted. Even more shocking, the French National
Radiation Laboratory, which measures the radioactive
pollution of the environment, the food, and the
population in France, has never been allowed to send any
experts to French Polynesia. Instead, all radiation
studies have been conducted by French army doctors in
the pay of the CEP, who refuse to divulge the facts and
figures on which they base their frequent assurances
that the tests are harmless. Reports on radiation sent
in the early days of testing to the U.N. Scientific
Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation show only
average fallout figures, usually from samples taken from
islands farthest away from the test site. The committee
has therefore constantly complained about the sketchy
data. French authorities have managed to distract attention
from these health problems by focusing all interest on
Moruroa and the controversy about how much radioactivity
the cavity-riddled atoll is leaking and when it will
sink into the sea. There seems little doubt that leakage
from the underground testing initiated in 1976 has led
to irradiation of the sea fauna around Moruroa, and that
many contaminated fish, shellfish, squids, and sea
turtles have been consumed by the inhabitants of nearby
islands. But a greater danger to the health of Pacific
islanders in a more extended radius is the plutonium
waste dispersed by typhoons. And after 20 years, none of
these health problems has been addressed. This is not the whole story, however, for nuclear
testing has also been a political disaster for
Polynesians. Above all, it has kept Polynesia under
colonial rule long after French colonies in Africa
gained independence. Despite the Polynesian political
parties' determined efforts for more than 30 years to
achieve self-government, all important decisions are
still made by the French government and carried out by
its local representative, the high commissioner, who is
appointed by and responsible only to the French cabinet
in Paris. Paris controls not only foreign affairs and
defense, but also the police, justice, immigration,
information, communications, foreign commerce,
international air and sea traffic, currency, research,
and higher education. Bengt Danielsson is an anthropologist who first
came to the South Pacific with Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki
expedition in 1947. A resident of Tahiti, his
publications include a six-volume history of French
Polynesia and Poisoned Reign: French Nuclear
Colonization in the Pacific (1986), which he coauthored
with Marie-Thérèse Danielsson. |
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How safe are the French tests?
Since 1945, the nuclear powers have exploded
more than 2,000 nuclear devices.
The French have exploded 175 in the Pacific
50 years into the nuclear age, it seems we're finally coming to our senses. Next year the major nuclear powers look set to sign a treaty banning just about all nuclear testing. But before it signs, France insists on slipping in 8 more underground tests.
The outrage at the French government's decision is universal: it's been decried as arrogant colonialism, jeopardising progress to a nuclear weapons-free world.
But there's also the strong belief that French nuclear tests have contaminated the Pacific and its people.
Given the litany of lies we've been told about nuclear tests - from the Marshall Islands to Maralinga - people are understandably sceptical of France's assurance that all is safe. Claims that France's testing has poisoned the environment and caused cancers and birth defects are of great concern, but must be viewed in the light of the available facts. Tonight, we weigh up the scientific evidence. Is radioactivity the real danger?
Radioactivity is something we all have to live with, all the time. Cosmic rays from space, traces of radioactive elements in soil and our food; they make up what's called natural or background radioactivity. For Australia and South Pacific nations that's measured as 2 MilliSieverts a year.
To put that in perspective: every time you have a medical procedure like a CAT scan or barium meal, you're exposed to about 4 times that radioactivity, up to 8mS.
Most experts agree the 2 mS background radiation does us little or no harm. But when it comes to additional radioactivity: the less you're exposed to, the better.
Fallout is the radioactive byproduct of nuclear explosions. The greatest danger to humans are the radionuclides caesium 137, iodine 131, strontium 90 and plutonium 239.
In March 1954 the United States exploded a 15 megaton bomb on Bikini Atoll. People on some nearby Marshall Islands received a tragically high dose of radioactivity, with tragically clear results: thyroid disease and cancers, for which the United States belatedly paid compensation.
We know from the survivors of the first nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki that doses of radioactivity above around 500 mS do cause extra cancers and birth defects in a population. The Marshall Islanders were exposed to four times that level, nearly 2,000mS. The case is not so clear cut in French Polynesia.
Between 1966 and 1974, France exploded 41 atmospheric tests in French Polynesia. The total yield was 15 megatons equal to one US test on Bikini atoll.
Dr Murray Matthews
National Radiation Lab New Zealand.
"Our estimate is that on average in the Pacific Islands
from the entire history of atmospheric weapons tests
individuals in the islands would have received around about
one miliSievert over their entire life times from that
One mS spread over 50 years. How can we be sure the exposure was so low? The figures come from the Australian Radiation Lab and the National Radiation Lab in NZ. Both exist to monitor radiation hazards and protect the populations. The labs have no vested interest in the nuclear industry - NZ doesn't even have a nuclear reactor.
During the whole period of French atmospheric testing New Zealand monitored the levels of fallout at their network of South Pacific stations.
The fallout was low, but uneven. There were rainouts, times when winds blew a cloud of radioactivity over island populations. If it rained, fallout rained down too.
Dr Murray Matthews
National Radiation Lab New Zealand.
"The most significant event occurred in 1966 when there
was what we call a blow back from Mururoa towards Samoa in
particular where the from the test went westward instead of
eastward and it was caught in a heavy rain event at Samoa
and this resulted in quite a lot of local contamination even
then though the dose in that year from that event would have
only been around naught point two miliSieverts.
Q. So that's still a tenth of the background radiation?
A. 1/10 of the annual background."
There was another rainout in Tahiti in 1974, but again fallout was well below background. We know of one other rainout, in the Gambier Islands, just to the southeast of Mururoa. Fallout was higher, 4 mS, twice background radiation, but many hundreds of times lower than Marshall islands. Now, some of these figures do come from France's monitoring stations, but they closely correspond to the levels and patterns of fallout monitored by New Zealand.
Dr Andrew McEwan
National Radiation Lab, New Zealand
"The radiation doses were so low that no effects from
radiation would be expected. If there is no radiation there
can be no radiation effects."
So what are we to make of the worrying claims that birth defects and cancer rates have increased in French Polynesia since the tests? As harsh as it may seem, reports of an increase of birth defects are all anecdotal - there simply isn't a register of birth defects in French Polynesia. And while evidence is building that cancers are increasing, there are other explanations.
Dr Andrew McEwan
National Radiation Lab, New Zealand
"Increasing cancers will rise if the people live longer,
if the life expectancy goes up then the cancer rates go up
because cancer rates increase with age. Another cause of
increased cancer is changes and life style factors such as
increases in smoking and if the population is smoking
heavily then there will be a very considerable rise in lung
cancers and other cancers."
The French still contend their atmospheric tests were safe, but they did respond to international pressure on health concerns. In 1975, more than a decade after Britain, the US and Russia moved their nuclear tests underground, the French finally followed suit. But while other nuclear powers moved out of the Pacific, the French stayed put. And on this question the scientific consensus is the French were mistaken. An atoll is no place to store nuclear waste.
Mururoa is a seamount- formed more than 7 million years ago when a volcano erupted beneath the sea. When lava hits cold water it forms intertwining tubes of rock, which build up a mountain.
The mountain erodes leaving a basalt base and a middle layer of soil. The top layer of limestones and corals leaks like a sieve.
Prof Michael Michael O'Sullivan
University of Auckland
"There's a very permeable zone from the level where the
arrow at about 400 hundred meters below sea level up to the
surface and that consists of limestones which are naturally
very permeable and very leaky and the heavy ocean water here
drives the water through the atoll up into the lagoon."
Any nuclear waste would get through these middle and top layers very quickly. But the shafts for the underground tests are up to 1,000 metres deep in the basalt base, supposedly well clear of the leaky layers.
Megan James
"What happens when you add a nuclear explosion or two
according to the French?"
Prof Michael Michael O'Sullivan
University of Auckland
"Well we detonate a bomb//down in these deep basalts and
then what the French claim is this kind of scenario where we
have a chamber here which consists of glassified rock which
is broken up in little lumps and surrounding that they say
the rock is not very badly effected. So the natural flow of
water is virtually unaffected by the bomb going off and
radioactivity is safe down in the volcanic rock."
But there's a problem. The French claim the chamber is sealed, yet cools quickly. The only way it could cool quickly is if the chamber is really so cracked it allows cooling water to get in and out.
Prof Michael Michael O'Sullivan,
University of Auckland
"Now we have a large fractured chamber// Then the water
can get down into the bomb site and up again."
Professor O'Sullivan concludes radioactivity must, in time, leak out. Is it leaking now?
The latest evidence we can now reveal strongly supports France's claim underground testing has not poisoned the marine environment.
These are samples of foodstuffs collected on Mururoa by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Fish from the lagoon, spiny lobster, molluscs and coconut milk.
The Australian Radiation Laboratory was one of 8 around the world given samples of the same organisms collected at the same time. The analysis shows there is radioactivity in the samples, but the levels are very low.
The results are credible because all 8 labs concur. Among them was New Zealand's National Radiation Laboratory.
Dr Andrew McEwan
National Radiation Lab, New Zealand
"The levels in those fish did show traces of Caesium 137
and strontium 90 which one would expect and the levels were
fairly consistent with what one would expect from global
fallout but there is certainly no evidence of significant
leakage of any type."
Mururoa may not be leaking now, yet even the French admit the radioactive waste stored under their feet will eventually escape. But they say it won't be for thousands, perhaps 10,000 years.
The French claim the basalt that forms the base of Mururoa is not very porous; so any water in the blast chambers will take thousands of years to move through the rock. But there's good evidence it will happen much more quickly than that.
Megan James
"So these are actually samples from Mururoa itself?"
Prof Peter Davies
University of Sydney
"That's correct."
Professor Peter Davies visited Mururoa in the early 80s. He studied just how porous the atoll's base is. Some parts are far leakier than others.
Prof Peter Davies
"If you look at this sample for example there are nicks
and cracks through the sample indicating that there are
fisures which run through the sample and that is very
important in terms of the conactivity of the pores in other
words how water will transport through the rock."
Megan James
"And from the variety of porosities that you're looking
at here how did you redo the sums on the how long it would
take for leakage to occur from these basalt chambers?"
Prof Peter Davies
"From that I calculated best case scenarios of greater
than 500 years for leakage fluids from the middle of the
Megan James
"And a worst case scenario?"
Prof Peter Davies
"Well the worst case scenario is related to something
happening associated with the test and that's almost
And accidents have happened. In July 1979, a 120 kiloton bomb got stuck halfway down the shaft, at 400 metres. They exploded it anyway, and because tests were then on the rim of the atoll, part of the southern side collapsed in an underwater landslide.
Prof Peter Davies
University of Sydney
"The French have admitted to some million cubic meters of
rock having come away from the side of the atoll. Well a
million cubic meters is substantial however think of what it
means: it's a hundred meters by a hundred meters by a
hundred meters// that is actually a small portion of the
atoll but nevertheless// they've also moved their tests back
into the lagoon. And I don't think that they have reported
or anybody has reported land slides since."
Because the tests are now in the centre of the atoll, and the bombs are now smaller, the risk of a major collapes is very low. Long term leakage remains by far the most realistic scenario.
Prof Peter Davies
University of Sydney
"In 500 years or whatever it is and I don't know what the
exact time is but at whatever time, there will be the
potential for Mururoa to leak radionuclides into the
But such leakage may not be as dangerous as we've been lead to believe.
Dr Murray Matthews
National Radiation Lab New Zealand.
"Well a key factor which seems to be overlooked in most
people's arguments is just what the source term is, how much
radioactivity is locked up in Mururoa after all of these
tests, it seems that in many circles some people think a
very large amount of radioactivity is there and it should be
called into perspective how much is there. "
The total fallout from all atmospheric tests ever conducted is 300 megatons. The total of France's underground tests to date is just under 3 megatons. We know that from New Zealand's seismic monitoring stations.
Most of that 3 megatons is locked in the glassy lining of the cavity created by the explosion. Only around 5% is loose in the blast chamber.Let's imagine for a moment that somehow it all leaked out tomorrow. Incredible as it may seem, the sums done by NZ's radiation scientists suggest there'd be no great danger to environment or health.
Dr Murray Matthews
National Radiation Lab New Zealand
"Well most of our reasoning in this area is based on
recommendations of the International Commission on
radiological protection and that body produces
recommendations for limits of intake - they call annual
limits of intake and if all of the material presently in
Mururoa were to dissolve in a lagoon that size if it were
fresh water, one could drink around about 300 litres of that
before one would reach the annual limit of intake".
Megan James
"What about in a couple of hundred years, which is the
best estimate, what would be the danger then?"
Dr Andrew McEwan
National Radiation Lab, New Zealand
"Well if one goes to hundreds of years to the future,
then the fission products of more particular concern like
caesium 137, strontium, they have halflives of 30yrs, so
going 90 years is going through three half lives that the
total amount is down to 1/8th - go another 90 yrs it is down
to a 64th so it is actually decaying away and if you go
hundreds of years into the future then you probably haven't
got a lot of radioactivity to worry about."
None of these scientists is saying that Mururoa is contamination-free. It's known that in 1981 a typhoon washed between 10-20 kgms of plutonium, the legacy of earlier weapons safety tests, into the lagoon. Plutonium, when it's in the air and can be inhaled, is one of the deadlies substances we know. But in a marine environment like the lagoon, plutonium gets very strongly bound up in sediments, very little gets into the food chain. (as confirmed by the latest IAEA study.)
Megan James:
A lot of people might interpret this information as
scientists saying that the testing is ok. That it can go
Dr Murray Matthews
National Radiation Lab New Zealand
"Well there are two distinct sets of issues related to
Mururoa as the public see it. There are the what I would
call political philosophical issues of whether we want
weapons to be developed, whether we want nuclear
proliferation, whether we want more people with nuclear
weapons on the planet, there are those political and
philosophical issues and then there are the environmental
ones which I have been talking about. All I'm saying is that
the environmental issues are not as great as people will
appear to think they are".
Prof Peter Davies
University of Sydney
"The French are their own worst enemy. I think they have
a huge data base which if shared properly with the
scientific community would help to dispell many many of the
problems that people currently relate to what is happening
at Mururoa because on the basis of easily verifiable
experiments it would be possible to show that much of the
French data is correct. But they label everything
confidential and therefore it never sees the light of day-
it does them no good at all I said this to them in 1984."
The weight of scientific evidence is that the test pose no great danger to human health or the environment of the region. The real danger is that France's and China's resumption of testing may derail progress to a world free of nuclear weapons.
Dr Karin von Strokirch
Australian National University
"Well President Chirac gave the most detailed statement
about the purpose of the nuclear tests one month after his
announcement of test resumption. He explained to the French
senate in Paris that of the eight tests four would be used
to perfect computer simulation of nuclear tests two would be
used to test the reliability and effectiveness of ageing
detonators and fuses and the remainder, that is to say two,
would be used to test what he called a new war head."
That new warhead may be TN75, the TN100 or a new generation variable yield warhead: potential first strike weapons.
Many of the new generation nuclear warheads are small enough for their testing to be hidden.
Dr Peter Wills
Greenpeace Spokesperson
"The thing that really makes me suspicious is that the
military the French military wanted to to conduct 20 tests
they said before France signed the comprehensive test ban
now that makes me wonder if the eight tests which have
announced involve something of the order of 20 devices
rather than just eight as you would have thought."
Dr Karin von Strokirch
Australian National University
"Well I believe that in the past the United States has
conducted two nuclear weapons test explosion simultaneously,
there's no reason to believe that France can't do that."
If the French do test 2 devices simultaneously, we won't know. The Seimological Centre in Canberra will be the first place in Australia to detect any explosion. But from this distance, they can't identify an explosion under 1 kt, if masked by a larger one.
Dr Peter Wills
Greenpeace Spokesperson
"In the broader picture in the long run the reason to
have a comprehensive test ban and to stop testing is to
inhibit the development of nuclear weapons and the great
offence which France is causing at the moment is that they
say they will sign the comprehensive test ban when they have
developed the means for circumventing it."
Those means are computers. France needs the field data from the Mururoa tests to perfect its computer simulation programs. But even if we stopped the French tests, other nuclear nations could continue the electronic version of the arms race. Because even under the proposed treaty banning all field tests, nuclear weapons are allwed to be developed and refined, via computers.
We've directed all our protest efforts at trying to stop this series of French tests, as though stopping them would somehow stop the arms race. Perhaps our protests would be better directed at ensuring next year's treaty is comprehensive in its truest sense.
Dr Karin von Strokirch
Australian National University
"No nuclear tests full stop no simulation full stop don't
allow it nothing nothing is going to be allowed that will
help a nation to develop nuclear weapons. "
"The opportunity we have now for achieving a comprehensive test ban is greater than it's been at any time since nuclear weapons have been invented//
And the danger is if we don't achieve a ban within the coming year the political situation could change in any one of the main players' countries. For example the United States is having presidential elections Russia is looking towards presidential elections the Chinese paramount leader may die in the not too distant future and if the political context changes in one of the nuclear weapons states it may change the whole of the nature of the negotiations for a comprehensive test ban".
Megan James
"We would have lost that opportunity?"
Dr Karin von Strokirch
Australian National University
"Mmm this is a window of opportunity now and we need to
take it while its there."
This program was produced by
and 1st screened on August 23 1995
It was written and reported by Megan James.
Copyright Australian Broadcasting Corporation 1995